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May 17, 2024

Clean energy keeps exceeding California’s grid demand

SACRAMENTO – With more, diverse sources of clean energy brought online at breakneck speed in recent years, California continues to power nearly 40 million people and the world’s 5th largest economy with more clean energy.

EXCEEDING DEMAND FOR 33 DAYS STRAIGHT: Clean energy resources like solar, wind, hydro, batteries, and more have exceeded grid demand at some point during the day for 34 days straight.

Governor Gavin Newsom, in his address at the Vatican Climate Summit, highlighted this achievement and called out the Big Oil special interests that have tried to derail this sort of clean energy progress.

Governor Newsom Remarks at Vatican Climate Summit

NEW SOLAR RECORD: On Monday, May 13, solar energy output hit a new high of 18,933 MW, enough to power millions of homes. Compared to five years ago, the state is now generating more than twice as much solar power, and capacity has increased twentyfold since 2012.

Renewables trend chart

NEW BATTERY RECORD: Yesterday, May 16, saw the highest-ever output of batteries to the grid – supplying 7,528 MW of clean energy, exceeding the previous record by 332 MW. At 10,379 MW, the state has increased battery capacity by 1,250% since the beginning of the Newsom Administration – up from 770 MW in 2019.

Supply demand chart