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Governor Newsom Announces Homeless Funding, Calls for Greater Accountability

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: Governor Gavin Newsom today held a virtual press conference announcing nearly $200 million in new state funds to help move people out of encampments and into housing. Along with this announcement, the Governor also announced new measures that will increase oversight of state homelessness funding to ensure accountability by local jurisdictions.

WHAT GOVERNOR NEWSOM SAID: “This new funding will get people out of tents and into housing across California. As the state provides unprecedented resources like this, we also expect accountability. Local governments must ensure this funding is being utilized on the ground.”

Governor Newsom announces homeless funding and calls for greater accountability. Click here to watch.

The awards, totaling approximately $192 million, are part of the state’s Encampment Resolution Fund (ERF) grants, which are administered by the California Interagency Council on Homelessness (Cal ICH). These grants will support 20 projects in 17 California communities aimed at helping people experiencing homelessness transition from encampments into housing.

“These grants show what is possible when the state partners with local communities to put people first and provide them with services to put them on the path to safe, stable housing,” said Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency Secretary Tomiquia Moss, who co-chairs Cal ICH. “This approach focuses on providing the person-centered local solutions that will ensure that unsheltered Californians are connected to the appropriate housing and supportive services they need to achieve long-term stability.”

“All 17 communities had strong proposals that will help people transition from encampments and onto pathways to housing,” said Cal ICH Executive Officer Meghan Marshall. “While these grants will be made by our sister Department of Housing and Community Development, Cal ICH looks forward to supporting the success of these communities with technical assistance, grounded in evidence-based practices.”

List of jurisdictions receiving funds:

The city of Anaheim will receive $3.1 million
The city of Chico will receive $2.7 million
The city of Fresno will receive $10.9 million
The city of Los Banos will receive $11.8 million
The city of Oakland will receive $7.2 million
The city of Oceanside will receive $11.4 million
The city of Ojai will receive $12.7 million
The city of San Bernardino will receive $4.6 million
The city of Santa Cruz will receive $4 million
The Humboldt County Continuum of Care will receive $3.4 million
Los Angeles County will receive $51.5 million
Marin County will receive an award of $18.2 million
Monterey County will receive an award of $11.1 million
Nevada County will receive $2.5 million
Santa Barbara County will receive $7.9 million
San Mateo County will receive $14.1 million
The Tehama County Continuum of Care will receive $14.1 million

When completed, the projects funded by the awards announced today will provide services and support for nearly 3,600 people of which 2,200 will receive permanent housing. Twelve of the 20 projects are designed to resolve encampments along state rights-of-way.

For a detailed list of projects and more information, click here.

For the homeless accountability fact sheet, click here.
