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FIX THE 10: Angelenos Can Now Watch Real-Time Progress as Around-The-Clock Repairs Continue To Re-Open I-10

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: Around-the-clock repairs continue on the 10 Freeway Los Angeles — and Angelenos can now watch the work in real-time via live stream at FixThe10.ca.gov.

Through closely coordinated efforts led by state, federal, and local governments — and especially thanks to the Caltrans workers and emergency crews working on site 24/7 — the state is on track to re-open the 10 in just days, not months.


Watch the repairs in real time. At Governor Newsom’s directive, Caltrans has installed multiple cameras on the repair site.

Construction Update 11/17/23:

🚘 Last night, Governor Newsom announced that all lanes of traffic will be re-opened by early next week.

🛠️ Ongoing tests are revealing that the fire caused less structural damage than anticipated. As a result, only seven rows of pillars under the elevated freeway are being shored up – only half of the 14 Caltrans had originally predicted.

🔩 To shore up the pillars, crews are using various materials, including more than 100 tons of large steel beams and enough 12-by-12-inch heavy wooden posts to stretch over a mile if placed end to end.

🏗️  More than three dozen hydraulic jacks, each able to lift 100 tons, are being used to place the beams and posts.

👷‍♀️ With fewer rows of shoring taking up space under the bridge, crews have more working room and can more rapidly place each line of shoring, allowing the contractor to double the number of workers operating the jacks and placing posts and beams.

🚧 When I-10 opens Tuesday, all five lanes in each direction will be open for traffic. Only the westbound I-10 Alameda Street off-ramp will remain closed as it is being used as a staging area for crews who will continue working at the location.

🗑️ While I-10 is closed to all vehicles between Alameda Street and the East Los Angeles interchange, Caltrans continues carrying out maintenance on the traffic-free roadway, including sweeping, litter removal, painting over graffiti, repairing railings and broken concrete, and cleaning drainsand culverts.

The state is taking an urgent all-of-government approach to fix the 10 Freeway. Californians can visit FixThe10.ca.gov for updates and alternate routes.

www.FixThe10.ca.gov →
