WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: California is taking its climate action around the world and launching a new pledge to cut global methane emissions.
NEW YORK – Governor Gavin Newsom today announced California is launching a new pledge for governments around the world to commit to cutting global methane emissions, one of the worst climate pollutants. The pledge is aimed at subnational governments – like California – and builds on the Global Methane Hub’s Global Methane Pledge that focuses on countries.
Seven jurisdictions from across the globe have signed on so far, including signatories from Mexico and South Africa.
“The climate crisis knows no borders.
We’re partnering with governments around the world to tackle methane emissions, a dangerous pollutant that has 80 times the warming power of carbon dioxide.
By working together on strategies informed by science, like deploying methane detection satellites, we can help address this global threat.”
Governor Gavin Newsom
How We’re Fighting Dangerous Methane Emissions
California set a goal to reduce 40% of its methane emissions by 2030 compared to 2013 levels, and is leading the country with innovative solutions, including $100 million in funding to support a constellation of satellites that can monitor for large methane plumes.
Last year, the Governor initiated new efforts to aggressively plug idle oil wells at risk of leaking methane and launch a network of satellites that would provide near real-time data on large scale methane leaks, leaks from oil and gas infrastructure, landfills, and other sources to track upwards of 40% of global methane emissions.
Why Methane?
Tackling methane emissions is key. While the impacts of other emissions reductions may not be felt until later, it only takes a decade for methane to break down. That means methane reductions can dampen the effects of climate change in the short term, and are critical for helping put the world on a path to 1.5°C – the amount that scientists estimate would avoid the worst impacts of climate change.